Eneco sp. z o.o.
78-446 Silnowo, Dąbie 16

Firewood, wholesaleonly from 48 mp

Andrzej Dolata
phone +48 506 070 700

Energy wilow seedlings

Works Dąbie 16
phone +48 94 375 15 68

Biomass, wood chips, renewable energy

Jacek Olejniczak
phone +48 505 11 10 10

Eneco is a company with national capital, founded in February 2003. Eneco manufactures and sells firewood, cultivate willow. Our products are sold on the domestic market and abroad (Denmark, Germany, Norway). We have Polish, Latvian and Austrian machines (choppers etc). Our company is growing very rapidly. Our offer is addressed to the wholesalers.

Dąbie Works
